8 thoughts on “Still Playing with Potential Covers for Pars Fortuna

  1. Those are nice and clean and better than a lot of the competition, so no hating. However, I think there's a lot to be said for showing characters interacting with or at the mercy of their environment, opponents, or challenges.


  2. Thanks guys! I'm pretty happy with these covers, and aside from maybe playing with the color, will likely go with them.

    Anonymous: These pieces are ones I commissioned for the interior that I'm going to multi-purpose for the cover. I would love to commission a color piece for the cover, but that would be expensive, and I'm unlikely to make my investment back on this project as it is. If I could, I would commission art all day long – I love seeing how skilled illustrators interpret the images in my head.


  3. The title typeface is egregious. It looks mismatched, poorly spaced, and carries too little weight visually. This post is a month old, but I hope you don't go to print with this. My 2 cents and a BFA in Graphic Design…


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